Each year BHNC serves 150 youth ages 14-17 with job readiness training, employment opportunities, academic support, and personal development as part of the Mayor’s Youth Employment and Education Program (MYEEP). Participants are overwhelmingly from low-income families, on probation, in foster care, or are teen parents, and are residents at the public housing locations where BHNC provides community services. We know that youth who do not develop a job track record and employment skills today may experience lifelong financial insecurity. Underemployment among youth represents a tragic setback to young people and often leads to an accompanying loss of self-esteem.
BHNC is working to change that trajectory. Every young person in our program is seen and heard. 100% of our youth work at one of 30 non-profit, public sector, or private sector worksites throughout the City to gain employment experience and a foothold into their future.
Over 150 youth served & placed to gain work experience every year.
97% of the participants completed the program and were highly recommended for future employment.
We offered the Academic Mentor Program (AMP), alongside one-on-one tutoring to support youth and help them maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher.
98% of the youth are from a low-income family.
Demographic: 40% Asian, 30% Hispanic, 20% African American, 10% Other
We organized field trips & events connecting young people to career and college opportunities.
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